Family Constellation Workshops
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Private Individual Family Constellations
This is an excellent way to explore a presenting issue (your concern) and find resolutions. It is a valuable and profoundly effective tool for change. Whether we work together in one of my workshops, or individually in one of my FC sessions, you can experience a major shift.
Why would you choose an individual Family Constellation (FC) session?
- Some clients are not as comfortable in a group setting and prefer privacy and the dedicated attention of the FC facilitator.
- An interested person might not want to wait for the next scheduled workshop. Individual FCs allows the freedom to address concerns when required.
- Remote FCs provide the opportunity for those who are homebound, live further afar in NZ, or even in another country to have a FC session via Skype. In my experience this can be as powerful as each of the other options.
What happens? A short summary of the process.
The first part of the session begins with an interview to find out what you wish to change.
Then we create a genogram together. This is a kind of family tree, noting ancestors and family members, their relationships with one another; difficult individual fates; important family events; trauma experiences and resources. This helps to identify and recognise repetitive ancestral patterns of behaviour which might impact or burden you.
After all relevant information has been collected the FC facilitator suggests who and what is set up. The issue or conflict is set up three dimensionally, whereby you select small figures or objects as representations and place these in relation to each other on paper or in a sand tray. This enables you to visualise and observe from the outside the internalised issue or conflict.
Through a variety of process work, shifting positions, adding and subtracting elements, hidden dynamics are identified, and resolutions are found.
Healing sentences and resolution statements are spoken. A healing sentence is a brief truth statement that encompasses the new reality and healing image.
How many sessions are needed? Your investment.
We will probably need only one FC session together.
The session time for an individual FC is 90 minutes and the fee is $220.
An optional preparation session is 60 minutes and the fee is $130.
What are the benefits of an optional preparation session?
Prior to your FC session you might like to invest in booking a 1-hour session to prepare for your upcoming session. This may help to define, ripen, or bring focus to your issue, or help clarify which of perhaps several issues to go forward with first.
What is your cancellation policy?
You can read our cancellation policy here.
To arrange an individual session, click here to contact Angelika Chisholm…
Other Family Constellation Workshops
If you would like Angelika Chisholm to facilitate Family Constellations workshops in your area or for your particular group…