One-On-One Counselling
(In-person or Skype)
Family Constellation Work
(Individual or Group)
Group Facilitation & Training
Professional Supervision


As an experienced counsellor and Family Constellation therapist I provide fully qualified, skilled and effective counselling to individuals, couples, families and groups. I bring a holistic, systemic and creative approach to my therapeutic work.

I am committed to building a safe, confidential, empathetic and nonjudgmental environment in which positive transformation can take place for individuals and groups. I am always open to the power and capacity of each person’s innate healing potential. People come to me with hope, and I do not place limits on what might be possible for them.

– Angelika Chisholm

To discuss face-to-face counselling, phone or Skype counselling, Family Constellation workshops, therapeutic groups, seminars, professional supervision, group facilitation and training… Click here to contact me.

Contact Angelika

Phone: 09-817 7131
Mobile: 0276309600

Areas of expertise

  • Addictions / Substance abuse
  • Trauma (PTSD)
  • Anger issues
  • Anxiety, grief and  loss
  • Stress reduction
  • Self-esteem, confidence, self development
  • Body symptoms
  • Life transitions
  • Spirituality and wellbeing
  • Miscarriages, terminations
  • Immigration and adjustment
  • Relationship issues (family and workplace)
  • Conflict resolution (family and workplace)
  • Family Constellation work (individual sessions and seminars)
  • Trans-generational patterns

My gratitude knows no bounds where you are concerned. It is difficult to explain how many things have changed since we worked together.
Many tangible things have happened, but they all pale in comparison to the landscape that has blossomed within.
Thank You again for your kindness, your warmth and your skill.
You helped me learn to help myself, and very much improved the lives of my children in the process.

“As a man, I have found working with Angelika a profound experience. Her understanding, guidance and presence are unique. From the first moment, I knew I could trust her completely. It felt like coming home, again and again, in a very subtle yet deep way. My meetings with her had a strongly positive effect on my life.”

"I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the time spent in therapy with you. I have grown so much, and our work together has given me the strength and courage to be honest with myself and others in so many aspects of my life. At last I am able to have the confidence and the self-respect to set boundaries for myself and others, and to honour my own integrity by maintaining those boundaries. My relationships have changed for the better."

You were always totally present, listening to what I’d said and gently letting me know when my unconsciously spoken words showed up patterns of behaviour that I was allowing to undermine myself. I was able to look at myself, my behaviours and my relationships, and find the key to forgiveness and change.
Your own deep and committed spiritual practice, although never discussed, was palpable in your presence and in your insights, and I experienced profound healing. Timeless wisdom and great compassion were always a part of our sessions.

"Doing a Family Constellation has allowed me to acknowledge the incredibly sad fates of my forebears, which has freed me to focus more on the present and to have clearer boundaries, especially with my family of origin. When communicating with my siblings I no longer feel the strong sense of having to prove myself or to fight for space, and I no longer experience great anxiety about their possible reactions. This means I can enjoy them! I feel we appreciate and respect each other more." -M

"It has been a gentle week of softly being with all the revelations. The healing just is not quantifiable. I find myself smiling quietly, much to the mystification of work colleagues! The back pain I have lived with for many years has eased and I am finding that mind, body, spirit and emotions are more closely linked with each other." Linda Levien

"I found the Family Constellation group immensely valuable for helping me understand and explore aspects that affect my family dynamic and in some ways underpin a lot of who I am. There is a Chinese proverb that says if you want to correct the world, you must first correct the State; if you want to correct the State, you must first correct the family, if you want to correct the family, you must first correct yourself. This approach enabled me to see ways through difficulties and come to a stronger sense of peace - it's magical and incredibly powerful." -Nova Paul

"As a Maori, my experience has been that the Family Constellation work aligns with my own view of the world, and my own conceptions of whakapapa (in this context, ‘connectedness’), wairua (the spiritual) and mauri (lifeforce). The Constellation work affirms for me that about which my Kaumatua (elders) speak and practise, namely the whakapapa – the ‘connectedness’ – of people to other people, to the land, and to all that is seen and unseen. For me, it also affirms their talk about the whakapapa of the past, to the present, to the future. For this reason, I trust the work and, with respect to my own experiences, have benefited from it." - James H. (Ngati Pukeko, Ngati Awa, Tuhoe)